From Class to list of Enums
public static <T extends Enum> List<T> getList(Class<T> clazz) { return Arrays.asList(clazz.getEnumConstants()); }
So if I want to instantiate a class via some condition, I can do the following but still how do I know what type to use?
public class Foo { public String getName() { return "hi"; } }
public class Foo2013 extends Foo { public String getAge() { return "age"; } }
public class FooFactory { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // what do I need to do to not having to use this?? public static <F extends Foo> F getFoo(int year) { try { if (year >= 2013) { return (F) Foo2013.class.newInstance(); } else { return (F) Foo.class.newInstance(); } } catch (InstantiationException e) { // TODO } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { // TODO } return null; } }
public class FooFactoryTest { @Test public void testFooFactory() { Foo foo = FooFactory.getFoo(2011); Assert.assertEquals(Foo.class, foo.getClass()); Foo foo2013 = FooFactory.getFoo(2013); // <-- how can I do Foo2013 foo2013 without repeating the logic? // foo2013.getAge(); Assert.assertEquals(Foo2013.class, foo2013.getClass()); } }